The Alpha Portal System has several levels of security. The first level is encountered when a user attempts to log on to their computer terminal. Each user is assigned a unique Username and Password, which must be typed to sign-on to the system. Certain privileges are assigned to each username; but it also limits what parts of the system can be accessed by legitimate users.
All programs are accessed through menus. Menus are organized logically by function so that all the tasks, which are normally performed by a person with a particular job function are grouped together. Menus allow operators to quickly find and select the program, which will accomplish a desired task and help the operator organize tasks that must be performed in a prescribed sequence.
The Alpha Portal System has a dynamic print routine that allows any print job to be directed to any printer connected to the computer. Multiple copies and automatic printing are available upon demand.
System Functions
All system functions such as backing up, file reorganization print spooler management and month end procedures are controlled within menus. Therefore average operators can perform these functions without the need for extensive training on the computer operating system and without risk that they will accidentally cause damage to your database.
Our system can be customized to email reports and alerts in a variety of formats for optimal efficiency.
A product that allows you to fax over a dedicated modem line any report you can print. For example, customer agings or statements.
This product allows you to create on your system forms you might ordinarily send to an outside source. This creates an opportunity for you to save both time and money.
Entry Verification
Throughout the Alpha Portal System, entries made by the operator are checked for validity. If an illegal entry is detected, the terminal will issue a beep and wait for a valid entry. This eliminates many typographical errors and the time consuming task of searching for and correcting errors in the database.
Exception Reporting
In most reports, the user has the option of printing all information in detail, selective information or ranges of information. When the operator is looking only for specific information, it is usually not necessary to print a complete report. This reduces wasted paper and time and allows management to focus on key information.
Excel Export
Save data and reports for viewing and sharing in Microsoft Excel.
Additional Services
We offer some interesting peripheral functions you might want to consider.